Do Meta Keywords Matter Anymore?

You may have heard that keywords with meta tags are super effective and highly regarded, but many search engines don't care about them. A company that optimizes websites on Baidu explained to me why you should stop using Meta Keywords Tag for your SEO. I didn't even bother to use the meta keyword tag for that very reason.

Although there seem to be fewer requests than a year ago, people are still looking for meta keywords, and I still see page operators using them on their websites. This fact means that the meta keyword tag is no longer useful to Google and they don't need you to tell them which keywords should rank because they can figure it out for themselves. Google does not use keyword tags as a page placement factor, so adding meta-wordspaces does not help.

So at best they waste your time adding meta keywords to your site, and at worst they expose your keyword playbook to competitors. For this reason, I am updating my post about the uselessness of meta keywords in SEO.

If you read my last entry on Meta Tag Basics, you will know that Google probably won't give a shit about the keywords you insert into the meta tag at this time of day. In 2009, Google announced that it would no longer use meta-keyword tags as an influence on rankings, rendering them useless for search engine optimization purposes.

After SEO webmasters started abusing the concept of keyword filling and packaging their SEO content with meta keywords, Google decided enough was enough and invalidated the tags. Google eventually changed its algorithm and the value of the meta tag for the term "seo" declined sharply.

Don't get me wrong, the meta tag is still an important part of HTML, but Google, Bing and Yahoo have made it clear that they no longer use meta keywords to sort pages. You can no longer expect to show up on page one of Google and Google Bing or Yahoo will recommend you not to waste your time with meta tags. Keywords in the day no longer matter because they were once considered a crucial element of SEO.

Even if the meta keyword tag is dead, you should still spend your time doing the actual keyword research, as these keywords are very alive even though they are no longer part of HTML. Although it is still good practice for Google to search for meta keywords before you abuse them, they don't look at them as often as they used to. If you are ahead of the game before Google decides to search for them again, and do minimal work, then you are ahead in this game without having to research any actual keywords.

Insert one or more of these keywords into a specific meta-keyword part of your code and insert their proximity to the keyword in your article. Keep an eye on when your meta description contains the keywords or not, because if Google tries to be helpful and create a meta description with the words of a searcher, they don't need those keywords. Judging by the sentences I have drawn from this article about the inclusion of keywords and their proximity in the article, I would say that writing an ameta description with relevant keywords is still very important, but not as important as it used to be in this whole.

This is just useless in terms of SEO, but it can be good practice to insert a few keywords if your site is scraped by a tool that still uses meta keywords. I hope that the keywords in your meta tags will not be important in the future, especially if they are not relevant.

There are three types of meta tags that need to be addressed for SEO, and you can have as many as you like. This short article will break down what some experts have been saying lately and what meta-keywords are still used by websites and search engines. The meta title and meta description are the most important meta tag types for search engine optimization.

The title tag, however, is one of the most important meta tags discussed here and it is the only meta tag that has not been reassessed in recent years.

The title track, however, is one of the most important meta-tags discussed here. And it's the only meta-tag that hasn't been reassessed in recent years.

On the other hand, some SEO and digital marketing experts would argue that using meta-keyword tags is a great way to tell Google that you are a spammer. However, you should know that there is no evidence that meta tags affect your SEO results from the start. If the meta tag you enter in SEO is a random keyword you use, it is not identified as added by the search engine.